We build software that stand the test of time.
We strive for good architectural and coding practices to deliver nothing but reliable software.
We measure and optimize our code to build efficient software, a key ingredient to great user experience.
We make sure that your software is free of all obvious security vulnerabilities and exploits.
We emphasize on maintainability of software, so that it remains relevant long after the sprint we build it in.
Toph is the leading competitive programming platform in Bangladesh. Top institutions has been hosting all noteworthy Bangladeshi programming contests on Toph since 2015.
Go, Backbone.js, MongoDB, Redis, RabbitMQ
A search-based visitor data tracking and discovery tool.
Free-form data aggregation, query and reporting engine.
Customizable museum management and guide system.
State machine-based rule engine built on Firebase.
It is so simple, it just makes sense.
Our team maintains an effective mix of development experience and seasoned leadership.
We are just a ping away.